Video: How To Know If You’ve Achieved Seedsman Status: Top 10…or 11

This month, Ben and I would like to extend a special thank you to our producer.  Mr. Jonathan Burns, used our sub-par content and turned it into an actual video.  Our thanks to him!  Now it’s your chance to join in the fun, if you can come up with reason #11 of “How To Know If You’ve Achieved Seedsman Status,” please email your response.  We will choose a winner and of course a prize will be awarded.

Until next month,

Video: How To Not Impress Other People On Vacation. AKA: You Should Never Wear A Speedo

Ben and I are just back from separate winter vacations.  Although, we were in different countries, we both came back with the same thought:  Why so many speedos?  We attempt to make sense of it in this latest video from Private Label Productions.

Spring Break is just around the corner, remember it’s not too late to book your vacation.

Safe Travels,


Video: How To Keep A Trucker From Destroying Your Bathroom

Let me preface this video by saying that I am great friends with quite few truck drivers.  This is in no way a dig on the majority of drivers out there.  Without truck drivers we wouldn’t have a seed business.

However, a couple of times a year, we draw the driver lottery and end up with someone who wants to destroy our bathroom.  Through trial and error we’ve developed a system for dealing with these “destroyers”.

We feel obligated to share what we have learned, in hopes of saving someone from “utter destruction”.

Video: Meat & Potatoes

Since I will be seeing most of you at the upcoming Western in Kansas City, I decided it would make sense to lay down some ground rules.  Specifically, things that we can and can’t talk about.

All kidding aside, I hope that the questions answered in this video free us up to talk about the important things in life.

My business is not built on buying and selling seed.  It’s built on building and strengthening relationships.  That is why I do what I do.

Why are you going to Kansas City?

Video: Teamwork – It’s a must

I’m a competitive person.  I absolutely love to compete.  My whole family does, my wife loves games of strategy, and I love games of chance.  My kids have recently learned how to play poker, my son has already figured out how to read me.  Let’s just say he knows when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em.

Competition is fun, exciting and exhilarating.  However, it’s most exhilarating to compete as part of a team.

Teamwork defined:  The combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient

I’m fortunate to be part of a competitive team.  Of equal importance: our team is caring, loyal, and relationship driven.

I am so grateful to be a part of the Millborn team.

As you watch the video, you’ll notice my competitive nature shine through.  You’ll also hear from one of the youngest members of our team about what winning is all about.

My hope is that you think about your own team.  Thank them for what is working well, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments on those things that need to be improved.

Your team is counting on you.
