Last month, we talked about how to get people to take their previously ordered seed. This month, we talk about the other side of the story – Acceptable Excuses for Not Taking Your Seed On Time.
Sure. Excuses suck! We all hate them…unless they are acceptable.
Rest assured the excuses in this video are blue tag certified.
So now you have no excuse but to use these excuses!
Who doesn’t struggle with getting seed moved out the door? We sure do. Take 3 minutes. Watch the video. And learn (or at least brush up on your 80’s music).
It’s that time of year again.Time to put together the Christmas List.Have you checked it twice?I feel like I’ve checked it hundreds of times over the last few years, and I’ll tell you it’s painful.
Something that should be so joyous, can become so full of anxiety, as you try to decide who gets a card, who gets chocolate, or who gets a new car.
Is it painful for you?If so, don’t dismay.Ben and I have stumbled upon a solution.It’s still in testing, but should be ready for next year.
Well, I had good intentions. I hired a high-priced company to put together a video showcasing our Favorite Private Label Customers.
And we were going to play it for you prior to the “Western”. But since we blew all our cash on gifts we will be giving you at the show, we settled for the FREE TRIAL version of the Favorite Customer Video Package.
A classic case of a great idea gone short on cash. Enjoy! See you at the show!
Some people are a “glass half empty” type of person. I happen to be a “glass half full” type of guy.I like to view all things as an opportunity, even things that seem painful or uncomfortable.
As some of you know, brome mites are particularly nasty this year.I could have wallowed in a pool of self-pity, but that’s not my style.I turned what others view as a problem into a fortune.$$$$$$$
No one likes to talk about it, but everyone in the seed industry has dealt with them – MICE!
A few years ago, unbeknownst to us, we imported some of the furry little buggers (FLB’s) on a seed shipment from Canada. These Canadian mice hid inside of the pallets for weeks until we discovered them. By the time, we figured out what kind of a problem we were dealing with, the infestation was nearly out of control. It makes me cringe to remember it.
Anyways, once we figured out the severity of the problem, we went on an all-out, full-scale assault. Traps, poison, shovels, boots, and yes, even Techno Music! We would crank up the Techno Music in an attempt to eradicate the FLB’s. We played techno for 2 weeks straight. It was so loud the folks at the UPS terminal next door were convinced we had started a night club.
Eventually the problem was taken care of. As a result of this event, we have implemented better checks on inbound freight, lots of poison, and, of course, a trap line. We hope we never have to use the Techno Music solution again. However, some of you may be dealing with a persistent FLB problem and we wanted to offer our solution to you. Please watch the video to find out how you can purchase the techno tracks direct from Millborn.
We need your help.One of our teammates is having a bit of an identity crisis.Someone wrote Justin an email the other day and called him “The King of Cover Crops.”Let’s just say it’s gone to his head.Normally, I wouldn’t take a personnel issue outside of these walls, however this has gotten way out of hand.We need your advice, what are we going to do with this guy?