
“Palmerdilloranth” = what you get when you take a damn serious industry issue and let kids take the wheel.

I’ll be back in front of the camera next video so you don’t go through Matt withdrawal. You’re welcome.

And trust me, we’re just getting started with this whole Palmer Amaranth thing. Stay tuned.


Best of the Best

Well, it’s the end of the year. I figured it was time for a “Best of the Best” video which, unsurprisingly, features what I think is some of the best of the best videos we’ve created over the last few years. I also listed each of the “best of the best” below the video…in the event you want to watch them in full.

Have a great rest of the year! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Thanks for watching!


1. Professor Fenske 
2. Milton Tarkenton’s Super Mega Sugar Beet Seed Warehouse Store! 
3. Gold Watches 
4. Lessons from Lenny 
5. How To Keep a Trucker From Destroying Your Bathroom
6. Techno Mouze Explosion 
7. How To Fire a Customer in 4 Easy Steps
8. Coping Kits
9. You Should Never Wear a Speedo 
10. We Will Take Your Vacation For You 
11. Don’t Jump To Conclusions 
12. King of Cover Crops 
13. The Overly Chatty Customer 
14. Gratitude 

Gratitude. Done. Right.

Some of you have may have received my one word email response to your seed orders – “Done.” Ben finally explains what that means – “This order has been taken. It will be processed. We sincerely appreciate your business. And we look forward to talking with you again.”

Happy ThanksGiving month!


Make Rye Great Again!

Forget politics!

Forget it’s an election year!

“Make Rye Great Again”!!!!

P.S. Every 5 loads of rye ordered = your very own hat (as shown in the video). I know what you’re thinking – “Worth every penny!”


Stress For Success!

Hey – Spring is over.

I’m sure everyone has been wondering how to keep your team motivated as we head into summer.  Ben and I think we have come up with the answer.

Create artificial stress.  You need to keep your team on the edge, never let them rest, and whatever you do – never let them feel comfortable!

Trust us, it works.


The Overly Chatty Customer

Spring is a joyful time in the seed business except for one aspect – the overly chatty customer.  They seem to be attracted to the busiest days of the year. One thing is for sure. They have time and you don’t.

Learn how to spot them. Learn how to laugh at them. And most importantly, learn how to hide from them.

You’re welcome.


Coping Kit

We know. Spring is here. And we’re all wondering “How am I ever gonna make it through this?!” Well, you could crawl under your desk for a month. OR simply watch this month’s “Coping Kit” video.

By the way, we had good intentions of sending everyone “kits” by now. But hey, we’re in the seed industry where all things are subject to change and supplies are limited. If you want one, shoot me an email. We’ll get one out your way depending on how good your “I need that!” story is.

Thanks for watching. Now get out from under your desk!
